Jenkyn Place in Hampshire is the home of Simon and Rebecca Bladon. The Grade II listed house from the 17th century is around 15 miles west of Guildford and the Bladons moved in in 1997. After restoring the house and surrounding lands, Simon Bladon turned his attention to the adjacent hop fields and planted his first vines in 2004. Further vines followed in 2007 and 2010 and now Jenkyn Place has 15,000 vines across 12 acres all dedicated to the traditional Champagne grapes.

The focus from Jenkyn Place is production of traditional and rosé English sparkling wines and quality is more important than quantity. The Jenkyn Place Brut Cuvée 2010 is a fine example of a distinctly English sparkling. It’s clear, light, silvery colour is attractive, and its fruity nose is less yeasty than Champagne. It offers green apple and tropical fruits on the palate, finishing with sherbet. The flavours are reminiscent of both Champagne and Prosecco and this is what gives the wine its uniqueness.

It’s elegantly smooth and luxurious. The business is well-designed, well-managed and well-marketed, and like the wine, this will be one to watch.