The 2014 Rondo from Torview Wines is special. It’s exciting, unusual, unique and intriguing. It’s special because it’s not trying to be something else or copy another style. It has its own characteristics which stem from its positioning in Devon on a clay bed on south facing hills.

Initially, we found the Rondo to be light and soft, despite a deep, dark crimson red colour. There’s cranberry and forest fruits on the palate with a sweetness which gives it that exciting edge. The finish is long, and we realise it’s more full bodied than we originally thought. Award-wise, the 2014 Rondo has claimed a Bronze Award at the SWVA Competition 2015 and 2016.

Torview is a family-run vineyard and winery and the people behind the business, Tim and Cat Gowan have extensive experience growing in the English climate and working in New Zealand, Australia, USA and around the world. This Rondo could just as easily be enjoyed in the summer as by the fire in winter and would suit lamb dishes.