‘Cornish wines from Cornish vines’ is what you’ll get from Bosue Vineyard just south of St Austell on Cornwall’s south coast. With a slightly more mild climate than the northern parts of the country, Cornwall boasts a brilliant environment for winemaking, and with a long and deep history of agriculture, there is a skill base to tap into to ensure high quality grape growth.

The area has been farmed for hundreds of years and owners Paul and Liz Sibley are now taking advantage of the fertile land, growing Rondo, Regent, Solaris, Phoenix and Orion grapes. Fantastic conditions in 2014 saw a record breaking crop harvested at Bosue Vineyard and the resulting sparkling wine, made from Orion and Johanniter, is the proof that hard work is worthwhile.

It’s a pale green colour and has apple on the nose. The flavour profile has elderflower and similar floral notes and the lingering finish gives a buttery creaminess. It’s very delicate, very fresh and well-balanced. Certainly the star of Cornwall’s sparkling.