Wine Industry Set For Growth

Wine Industry Set For Growth

The wine industry is set for growth as it goes through a generational change in demographics. Tiburon Strategic Advisors, a market reserach and consultancy firm from California, found in a recent report that millennials, women and the Chinese market are key drivers...
Ethiopian Wine Industry on the Rise

Ethiopian Wine Industry on the Rise

South Africa is one of the world’s wine producing heavyweights, exporting its products to countries all over the world. But it is not the only African country with significant commercial wine production and sales operations. Today, after much hard work, Ethiopia...
Success for English Sparkling Wine Industry

Success for English Sparkling Wine Industry

English sparkling wine is no longer a small player in the global market where champagne, prosecco and cava are dominant. Today, England exports its wine to 27 countries including France, Italy, Japan and Taiwan. The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs...