The Upperton Vineyard is situated in the South Downs, an area some call the home of modern English Sparkling wine, and since the first vines were planted in 2005 by Andy Rogers, the business has become a family concern. With 32,000 vines planted across 40 acres, Rogers has welcomed the involvement of his son James and daughters Heidi and Sarah.

Originally, Upperton was planted with a small amount of Pinot Noir Précoce and Chardonnay but, in 2006, the potential for sparkling was realised and mass planting of Champagne grapes was undertaken, followed by further planting in 2008 and 2010.

The vineyard has four main products, three sparkling whites and a sparkling rosé. The Upperton Nebula 2013 (26% Chardonnay, 58% Pinot Noir, 16% Pinot Meunier) is named after the imposing mist that hangs over the region before harvest on autumn mornings. Its colour is light golden with flashes of pink, thanks to the heavy contribution from Pinot Noir. Its soft and smooth and doesn’t sting. The flavours are subtly sweet with honey and treacle, and an apple finish for sharpness.

It’s brilliantly refreshing and is an exceptional example of what English vineyards are now capable of.